Wake up
Post date: Jan 16, 2017 4:18:27 AM
When I woke up this morningI decided,
instead of black—I ‘d see color.
Woke up this morning
and decided,
instead of white—I’d see rainbows.
Wake up this morning
and decide,
you would rather look like love.
--- --- ----
We squander
and complain,
filled with rage
and disdain.
For what?
At whom?
We cannot say.
It’s just regurgitation—
under guise
of “one nation.”
A fold of sheep in wolves' clothing—
each a hollow, shaking shell.
Can’t we see that we’re all human
with our human stories to tell?
Song inspiration for this poem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsziXdKfOsE